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Eco Nets | Horse Journals

Eco Nets

Eco Nets
Contact Name: Shauna Johnson
Fax: 780-387-7493
#101, 5101-50 Ave, Suite 1110
Leduc, Alberta, Canada
Eco Nets ...what do they do? Contain the Hay, Eliminate Waste, Benefit the Horse & Owner.
They are Small Mesh Hay Nets or Re-Stricted Free feeders.
Convenient & easy to use, they fit the bales with ease, are strong & long lasting, preferred by most horses!

Eco Nets satisfy's the horse's daily chewing needs, reduce intake & slow digestion, allowing the small consistent hay amounts to be fully digested.
Benefits include relieving stress, ulcers, cribbing, colic, weaving & boredom.
Horse's love to play with the nets as they eat, making for a much more relaxed & satisfied horse.

Shauna Johnson
Product Lines + Services
Arenas, Barns, Equipment: Barn Supplies (e.g. waterers, cameras)
Gifts: Gifts
Horse Health: Feed, Slow Feeders-Haynets
Disciplines: All
Breeds: All
Brands Carried:
Eco Nets
Posted: Apr 24, 2012