Business & Product Profiles

Equiwinner natural electrolyte balancing system


Horse rescue administrator discovers nature’s way of dealing with common allergic reaction.

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Celebrating 100 Years of the Canadian Government’s Only Working Horse Ranch

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My Early Years in the Canadian Rockies - A Park Warden’s Story

My colleagues sometimes ask about my commitment to overseas riding holidays. Why would someone who rides horses all day travel overseas to do more of the same? Why not go sit on a beach in Cancun and sip fruity beverages? Let me answer that, but first I should confess that as I write this, the buttery evening light slants across the trellised hillsides of a classical riding school in Tuscany wrapping up a good day in the saddle.

AFAB Industries, Rocanville, Saskatchewan, horse riding arena construction

When the time comes for a new building for grain or hay/straw storage, livestock care, equipment protection, vehicle housing, a machine shop, aircraft hangar or a riding arena, AFAB Industries in Rocanville, Saskatchewan offers quality construction to meet your needs.

Equiwinner natural electrolyte balancing system

An adult horse’s body is comprised of approximately 70 percent water, and all bodily functions depend on the conductivity of fluids in and around cells. Because electrolytes conduct electricity and manage all bodily fluids, good health depends upon correct electrolyte levels working properly in order to maintain optimum balance in the body. Proper electrolyte activity keeps horses hydrated for improved general health and performance.

primebed, cascade hay, horse bedding canada, flax seed equine

All Natural Premium Animal Bedding - PrimeBed is a new, environmentally and user-friendly bedding alternative to conventional straw or wood pellets.

In spring and summer, many horses can suffer from Sweet Itch, an allergic skin response to the bite of midges. The midges focus on the mane, back or tail, under the belly and on the legs. The rubbing and biting can lead to loss of hair, bald patches and broken or bleeding skin. Constant aggravation will lead to interruptions in grazing or feeding.

You know what it’s like when your back is sore and you’ve got to clean the paddock with a wheelbarrow and shovel. It takes forever and now your back is really sore.

Easy Fit Saddles, western saddle, adjustable saddles, lightweight saddles

Traditional on the outside, innovative on the inside. Easy Fit Saddles, based in Millarville, Alberta, caters to horse people who want a saddle that truly fits both horse and rider.




Canadian Quarter Horse Association


Otter Co-op Feed - Feeding Champions for Over 100 Years
