Finding Your Centre - Fitness for Horse Riders

By Bridget Braden-Olson
In order to become a better rider, you need to spend time focusing on your own body. These exercises will help you educate your mind and body to find your centre, in order to improve your balance and communication with the horse.
Estimated time of Sequence: 5 Minutes
Equipment needed: Yoga belt or rope
- Grab a belt or rope.
- Stand shoulder width apart.
- Hold the belt/rope behind the arch of the lower back.
- Raise arms
- Bring the belt behind head.
- Bring arms down
- Back to starting position
Repeat for 5 inhales, 5 exhales.
Moving on…
Inhale – Big deep breath.
- Stand straight up with arms raised overhead.
- Step right foot out to side.
- Knees bent slightly.
- Toe on extended foot pointed.
- Reach up and bend to right.
- Lift through left ribcage.
Stay here for 3 deep breathes.
Repeat the same thing to the left.
Then drop the belt or rope.
- Standing shoulder width apart.
- Hands in prayer position.
- Relax the elbows.
- Balance on one leg, placing right foot on the side of calf.
Inhale & Exhale
Stay here until balance has settled.
Raise arms up into the Y position.
3 inhales, 3 exhales
Moving on…
- Big deep breath.
- Lower right foot down, shoulder width apart.
- Hands back to prayer position
- Place left foot next to the right calf.
Inhale & Exhale
Stay here until balance has settled.
Raise arms up into the Y position.
3 inhales, 3 exhales
- Lower foot to ground, at the same time hands come to prayer position.
Inhale & Exhale
- Inhale: Raise the toes off of the ground.
- Exhale: Lower toes to ground.
Stay here for 5 breaths.